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Writer's picturekate-mackinnon

9 Easy Feng Shui Gifts - Day 6

I am popping back in your mailbox today for Day 6 of 9 Days of Easy Feng Shui Gift ideas that I have been sharing over the past few weeks. (If you missed the gift ideas for the first 5 days, check them out here). In Feng Shui, we use a compass called the Bagua (bah-gwah), divided into 9 areas of life that correspond to specific areas in your home or space. Typically, we use it to analyze how the areas of your space are impacting the corresponding areas of your life. I use the Bagua in my day-to-day life in many different ways, including selecting gifts.

To use the Bagua and apply it to your space, the entrance is always along the side of the Knowledge/Career/Travel areas, and you are facing the side with Wealth/Fame/Relationships areas.

Today, we are going to look at the area we call Knowledge & Spiritual Cultivation, which is about our inner, personal, and spiritual life, developing our knowledge and personal growth. On the Bagua, Knowledge & Spiritual Cultivation is in the front left, the colors are blue, green, and black, and the element is earth. My favorite gifts for Knowledge & Spiritual Cultivation are:

  • Books - make great gifts in any area of life! I have many books in this area, but three have been instrumental in cultivating my spiritual and personal growth over the years. First, The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, pivotal in discovering Feng Shui. Next, Autobiography of a Yogi, given to me by someone who said if I am going to do Spiritual Work, this is a must-read. And third, new this year, The Knowing: 11 Lessons to Understand the Quiet Urges of Your Soul, beautifully written by Saje Dyer and Serena Dyer Pisoni, daughters of Wayne Dyer. I love this quote: "This book is our song for our father and everyone because we're all born with a Knowing―an inner compass, the quiet urgings of our soul that guide us. It is through giving love, offering kindness, and paying attention that we can return to our Knowledge." Guided Meditations - I was first introduced to Oprah & Deepak's 21-Day Meditation Experience in 2013. Based on the wisdom it takes 21 days to form a new habit fully, they have created many meditations over the years. I most recently re-listened to my copy of "Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life." So inspiring. I also use guided meditations by Thich Nhat Hanh (Calm, Ease is my favorite) and Yogananda Paramahansa as part of my spiritual practices.

  • Cards - I've used many over the years. Currently, my most favorite is the Inner Compass, which pairs "modern aesthetic with ancient philosophy to create simplicity for our scattered and over-complicated monkey minds." Feng Shui for our inner being! Who doesn't want that? And The Muse Tarot, "an inspiring journey for your creator soul." Wildly creative, with all design and writing, including poetry, by the author, Chris-Anne, she is also a brand strategist and owner of Pixelbrand--a branding and graphic design company. She offers unique courses for creators that combine marketing and branding with manifestation and intuition. Talk about creative knowledge and spiritual cultivation!

  • Bonus Gift - receive A Note from the Universe by email daily! And share it with your loved ones. It was shared with me by a friend years ago, and it makes my day every day!

The most important thing we recommend is when selecting, packaging, and sending or giving your gift, do it with Intention. In Feng Shui, we say, Intention is everything. It is the thing that makes it special and magical. Everyday Feng Shui. It's all right here! As always, I would love to hear from you. What's your favorite spiritual or personal growth gift? With love and blessings, Kate


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