From our home to yours, I am sending you and your loved ones warm thoughts and best wishes for a beautiful day of Thanksgiving. In the midst of a year that has been like no other, with unprecedented challenges, may you take time for yourself today and pause to give thanks for what you have, especially your family and friends. And hold those you've lost close to your heart.
We have all shared so much over the year, and I want to express my gratitude to you for being on this journey together. I am clear we can do together what we cannot do alone, and staying connected and being in a community is essential to our well-being. Especially this year, when most of us have only been together through our phones and electronic devices.
May you find peace in your home where we are all spending so much time. We need peace now more than ever. As Yogananda Parmahansa says, "Peace within, peace without, peace everywhere." By creating peace in our environment, we create peace in ourselves, and ultimately peace in the world.
Wishing this for you and more, with love and blessings,